
Certified Management System
Certification is the first step of the journey of managed system. Maintenance and continual improvement is the key for an effective and mature management system. We assist customers by implementing an effective self monitoring through an Internal Audit program, Objectives review and Management review as per the requirements of the applicable standards and customer management system. The service ensures continual improvement in the effectiveness of the management system. PDCS (Plan Do Check Act) is implemented through process based approach and risk based thinking in the management of this service.
New Certification
The new certification process involves customer consultation and identifying appropriate standards for certification, perform a gap analysis to identify gaps, work in collaboration with customers to address identified gaps and document policies and procedures, assist customers in the implementation of documented management system, self review through internal audits, management review of objectives and effectiveness of implementation. The completion of the PDCA (Plan Do Check Act) cycle follows the final stage of this service is stage 1 and stage 2 audits with selected certification body.
Strategic Management Consulting
We provide strategy consulting to the senior management of our customers to suit the vision and mission for the organization. Our consultants are well experienced in the business strategy as well as operational strategy and can support the following: Supply Chain and Procurement Strategy -Outsourcing -Sales Strategy -HR Strategy -Other Management Strategies.
Project Management
We have project managers to manage your complex projects who work with your teams and coordinate and manage all project related activities. Project managers are experienced team members who can work effectively with multicultural project team members and at all levels of management within your organization and with your partners involved in the project. Our project managers help you deliver projects on time and within budget.
Internal Audit
We complement the customer management team by implementing an effective audit program, providing skilled, qualified and independent auditors for conducting audits, report on the audits conducted and follow up and closure of audit findings. The internal audits conducted by our team ensure the effectiveness of the management system and continual improvement of systems and processes.
Supplier Audits
We conduct independent audits on the suppliers of customers for initial supplier selection and approval as well as an ongoing supplier assessment program and building an effective supply chain for the operation. This service is as critical as reliance on the supply chain. Our auditors have experience in auditing suppliers for big multinational companies. We can not only audit but also build an effective Supplier Management Program or use an existing supplier management program.